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Leave It There. It Belongs There.

Journey Wells

Hello, beautiful soul in the making!

Today's journey brings us to a fresh perspective.

Everything has its place—and a place for everything.

You are taking the best steps forward.

You have faith, courage and determination.

Although it feels small,

it is powerful in a great way for you.

Remember, you are on a positive journey

in which less positive things happen.

And you will make it through

those learning moments. Yes, you certainly will!

You are not alone.

It will not overtake you.

You are safe and secure with

a hopeful future ahead.

You have left a few things behind.

And that is great for your journey ahead.

It means that you have less to carry—

and less to hinder you.

You are moving forward

and it's OK to leave those things back there.

That is the perfect place for them to reside.

Everything has its place—and a place for everything.

You are finding peace with this.

And abundant peace with those things you cannot change.

You have control and the ability to change many other things.

So, let us focus on those positive changes today.

Let us bid farewell to what we've left in its rightful place.

Perhaps, we may see it again,

and you will be stronger to endure when that moment comes.

Until then,

you are so beautiful and lovely

because you are becoming

the best version of YOU that YOU can be without it.

Keep pressing onward and

great things will be patiently waiting for you when you arrive

at your next resting point.

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